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In Novemberpolice in Novosibirsk detained Sergei Kropotchkin, 52, photographer, over alleged filming of pornographic videos featuring underage girls. Her popularity came to her quite against her will, when she was just The girl was found to be the victim of multiple criminal cases connected with pedophilia, as well as making and distribution of child porn. But Babko is by no means a new acquaintance for the Russian Internet audience.

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MDK and Animemes are only two examples of public pages using her new photos as the background. In Februaryphotos of a girl called Maria Babko started appearing in many popular communities and on many social pages. However, Internet popularity found her when she was still a child specifically, when she became the victim of several pedophilia and child pornography cases, and her photos somehow leaked online.

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Babko started her own Vkontakte and Instagram accounts where she talks with her subscribers. Photos of Maria Babko have been constantly cropping up on social network pages in the winter of - indeed, the girl has become the icon of several community pages. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy.


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According to the girl, this year she turns 20 years. Of course, all this time, the personality of Maria Babko was hidden.Īnd on February 22 the public MDK have put her actual picture as an avatar. Kropotkin was sentenced to 14 years in prison. During the investigation, it seemed that he was part of an international criminal group trading in illegal video. He saw the daughter the money and started to figure out where they came from. It happened due to the fact that the father of one of the girls-the victims worked in the police. In November photographer pedophile Sergey Kropotkin detained. In underground Studio Masha pedophile called friend of the girl under the guise of shooting for advertising clothes.įirst, they photographed really dressed. Also promote the videos in social networks, placing the cover the same footage. That is why her photos received viral popularity. Child pornography is illegal in Russia, the online video Siberian mouse find was almost impossible. Under the same name investigators searched for desired video materials. Was the name of a porno Studio in Novosibirsk, where he was the photographer is a pedophile Sergey Kropotkin. All materials are forbidden status and belong to the category of child porno or CPU. In the early s, in Runet spread photos and videos with a little girl of ten. Interview with Babko 28 February published edition of Smetana. Only 10 years later Mary decided to step out of the shadows and to talk about his past. At the age of ten, she became the victim of a pedophile, and photos and video of her leaked on the Internet. Masha Babko - same girl viral photos and memes about child porn.

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